As Resurrection Sunday approaches when multitudes of Christians around the world will gather to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, I have noticed several articles and statements on social media posted by well-meaning Christians that by gathering with fellow Christians for a Sonrise Service, one is engaging in ancient paganism. While I don’t usually respond to such articles, and even though I do believe such persons are well-intentioned, I feel compelled to address the issue for those who have legitimate questions as whether it is wrong to gather with fellow Christians for a Son Rise Service to celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection. Malachi spoke of those who revered the Lord and experienced the Sun of Righteousness arising with healing in His wings (Mal. 4:2). Are we not to worshipfully celebrate the Son’s Arising?

One needs to remember that the resurrection of Jesus Christ was celebrated in the spring-time for centuries in Christendom long before the word “Easter” was ever adopted in the English language as a label attached to the resurrection celebration. It should be pointed out we have many words in the English language that were connected with ancient pagan gods and practices, but we don’t accuse someone of engaging in paganism when they are involved in activities associated with those particular words. For instance, if someone wants to get technical, we should not eat cereal, nor make clothes of cloth, or ever call a religious song a hymn. You see, those three words are connected with pagan deities. For example, the word “cereal” comes from the name of the ancient goddess of agriculture, Ceres. The word “cloth” comes from Clotho, the spinster goddess who was said to spin the thread of life. The word “hymn” is thought to come from the god of marriage, Hymen, and in ancient times meant any song offered in praise or honor of a god or gods. But when we use “hymn” in our church services we mean a song sung in praise to the Christ of the Cross. When we use the word “cereal” or eat corn flakes or cheerios, we are not worshipping an ancient goddess. Cloth is cloth to us, we don’t connect it with a pagan deity. We don’t see anyone wearing clothes made of burlap sacks because they don’t want to be associated with cloth since the word is derived from the pagan deity.  As well, all the names of the days of the week were named after ancient deities, but no one worships those pagan deities when they use the days of the week when speaking nor does anyone think of worshipping the god the day was named after when a new day arrives.

Without going into a lot of detail, the present Christian celebration of “Easter” has more affinity and connection with the Jewish Passover than with ancient pagan associations. Jesus is the prophetic fulfillment of what the Passover sacrifice typifies and symbolizes, as He is the final Sacrifice for our sins. Over the years, I have attended a lot of Sunrise Services and not one of them ever had even a hint of paganism attached to them, but centered totally and completely on Jesus Christ. I will gather this Sunday morning, as I have in years past, with fellow believers to worship the Christ of the Cross, who conquered the cold, dark grave by rising from the dead. There will not be a speck of paganism in our gathering, but the worship of the King of kings and Lord of lords. We will not gather to worship the sun, but to worship the Son of Righteousness who arose from the dead with healing in His wings (Malachi 4:2). We will gather to lift our voices in praise to the One who took the challenge to wrestle with the enemies of humanity: sin, death and the devil…..and He defeated them all.

Now, if anyone gathers at a Sunrise Service to worship the sun and creation, then they gather for the wrong reason and, yes, they are embracing pantheism and an ancient pagan deity. However, if one gathers at a Sonrise Service, along with millions of other Christians, to worship the victorious, resurrected Christ, the Creator Himself, then one gathers for the right reason. I would much rather see Christians gather to worship Jesus and gain a better understanding of the meaning and practicality of his resurrection for our lives.

After all, should not Jesus’ resurrection be a cause of rejoicing and celebration for the Christian? And the truth be known, when I awake in the morning and watch the sunrise, I will celebrate the resurrection of Christ. As matter of fact, I celebrate His resurrection everyday…. for I serve a risen Savior who has Risen with healing in His wings.

He is Risen…celebrate the wonderful truth daily that the Son of Righteousness is forever alive!

Dr. Dan


The central truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that as the crucified Messiah, He was buried in a borrowed tomb and on the third day, the first day of the week, He arose from the dead. The Four Gospels are explicit in their presenting Jesus as the conquering Savior over the devil, sin and death. The centrality of the message in Acts is that Christ’s resurrection from the grave is the authenticating proof that Jesus’ death on the cross is efficacious in atoning for the sins of all humanity. The focus of the epistles is that Christ arose from the dead. And the book of Revelation pictures Jesus Christ as the victorious, risen Savior who is coming again.

The foundation of Christianity is the Christ Event, which encompasses the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. It is an historical event etched into fabric of time. If there is no resurrection then Christianity is based on a false premise and a faulty foundation. Paul wrote, “If Christ be not risen our faith is in vain and we are all men most miserable, and we are yet in our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:17). Well, did Christ really rise from the dead or have Christians been deluded? For centuries men have tried to come up with all kinds of theories in hopes of invalidating  the resurrection and in so doing strike a death blow to Christianity.

Seven such theories are briefly examined, each proving to fall woefully short in their attempt to invalidate the historical truth of His glorious Resurrection.

First, there is the Swoon Theory. This theory contends that Jesus didn’t really die on the cross, but He only passed out, fainted or was unconscious. Upon being taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb, the cool air revived Him and He escaped the tomb on His own power. Such a theory is laughable as the Scripture is clear the Roman soldiers declared Jesus dead and to make sure they pierced His side with a spear, His blood spilling out beneath the cross on which he was nailed (John 19:34). How was one whose body had been beaten and subjected to such torture, who had been declared dead, whose blood had flowed on the ground like a rushing stream, unwrap his own grave clothes, then find the strength to roll back the two-ton stone, then get by the Roman soldiers guarding the tomb, and then present Himself as a victorious Savior? Such a theory is preposterous.

Second, there is the Wild Beast Theory. This one is just as preposterous as the Swoon Theory. The theory contends that a wild beast(s) during the night crept into the tomb, dragged the body of Jesus off into the wilderness and devoured the remains, thus the reason the body of Jesus was never found and the tomb empty. The followers of Jesus taking advantage that the remains of Jesus had been devoured by wild beasts, began a rumor that He arose from the dead. Such a theory doesn’t explain how the wild beasts got by the guards which records reveal they remained at the tomb all night, moved the enormous stone, then unwrapped the graves clothes and never left a “mess” which the authorities would have quickly pointed out.

Third, there is the Mistaken Tomb Theory. This theory contends the women in the fading-darkness of the early daylight hours, with eyes blurred by tears, went to the wrong tomb. The tomb the women went to was empty and they mistook it for Christ having risen from the grave. This theory is truly unlikely, for if the women had gone to the wrong tomb the Roman authorities would have quickly pointed out their error. The Roman and Jewish authorities would have without hesitation produced the correct tomb containing the still-occupied body of Jesus. Let it be noted, the disciples corroborated the women’s report of the empty tomb by going in the daylight hours to the place where Jesus’ body had been lain, to find the tomb empty (John 20:1-9).

Fourth, there is the Stolen Body Theory. Some skeptics contend the body was stolen by the women, disciples or by Joseph of Arimathea. If the women took the body, who moved the huge stone for them and how would they have overpowered the Roman guards? The disciples didn’t steal by night Christ’s body as they were scared and fearing they would suffer the same fate as Jesus, were hid behind locked doors. Plus, how could the scared disciples have overtaken  in a fight the trained Romans soldiers guarding the tomb, broken the Roman seal on the stone and then moved the huge stone away. The disciples knew if they had tried such a stunt and were not successful, they would suffer punishment of death. It is highly unlikely that they would all have chosen to die for something that would have been practically impossible to do. And as well, eventually they, being the prime suspects if Christ’s body had been stolen, would have been caught.

Also, Matthew tells us that is was the religious leaders of that day who first devised the Stolen Body Theory. The chief priests and elders connived and paid the soldiers guarding the tomb to declare that the disciples came by night, while the guards were asleep, and took the body of Jesus. The guards “took the money and did as they had been instructed; and this story was widely spread among the Jews, and is to this day” (Matthew 28:11-15). Plus, it would have been impossible for the disciples to have taken Jesus’ body, for the Roman guards knew if they slept on the job it meant death, and how could eleven men moving the huge stone not wake-up the guards if they had been asleep?

Fifth, there is the Hallucination Theory. This theory contends that those who claimed they saw Jesus after the crucifixion were only imagining they saw Him but in actuality didn’t. This theory insists that the women and the disciples had such an overwhelming desire to see Christ again, coupled with their grief, along with the power of suggestion, resulted in a hallucination. The disciples didn’t expect to see Jesus again (Luke 24), and weren’t sure it was even Him even when they saw him! The biggest problem with the hallucination theory is that hallucinations are usually private and individual, and not experienced as a group. Yet, in one instance Jesus “appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time” (1 Corinthians 15:6). That is a lot of hallucinations at one time!!

Sixth, there is the Spiritual Resurrection Theory. This writer had a teacher in college who actually held to this theory, that Jesus didn’t rise from the dead physically but he only arose spiritually…whatever that means. However, the description of the appearances of Jesus after His resurrection clearly indicate He had a real body. He was physically touched by Mary Magdalene (John 20:17), Thomas felt His wounds (John 20:27), and Jesus ate broiled fish with his disciples (Luke 24:41-43). One who is a spirit cannot be touched, and they most certainly have no need of eating solid food.

Seventh, there is the Imposter Theory. There are those who contend that the disciples really didn’t seen Jesus after his crucifixion, what they actually saw was an imposter who only pretended to be Jesus. Those who hold to this theory surmise it is true as evidenced by some who saw him didn’t recognize him immediately (Luke 24). However, in every case where there was no immediate recognition, the witnesses’ initial doubt about Jesus’ identity was replaced by an assurance that it indeed was Jesus. As well, Acts 1:3 tells us that Jesus “shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days.” Forty days was ample time to give evidence as to whether He was an imposter or He was actually the risen Christ. Every account verifies the disciples saw the Risen Christ.

All theories attempting to explain away what was an actual historical event, have proven to be futile efforts. The records and writings from the Gospels, Paul and other New Testament writers regarding the Resurrection refer to eyewitness accounts, and such writings were written too early for legend to have overshadowed  the truth of their content. In the days and months after Jesus’ death, something caused the disciples to be transformed men. What was it that transformed them? They were moved from despair to joyous belief because they had seen the risen Savior. Their discouragement was replaced by the conviction that Jesus had risen from the dead. Their defeatist attitude was replaced with a victorious attitude because the risen Lord empowered them with His resurrection power. Their timidness was replaced by boldness as He was alive for ever more. Their hiding behind locked doors for fear they would lose their lives was replaced by a willingness to freely give their life for the One who was victorious over death. Their desire to cower in fear was replaced with a desire to spread the Gospel to the whole world because they were assured Jesus died for all and arose from the dead for all.

Today the tomb where the body of Jesus was laid remains empty. Why? Because Jesus triumphantly arose from the dead, victorious over the cold dark tomb. One will look in vain for Him among the grave stones, for He is not there, “He is risen!” And those who embrace that glorious Good News will discover as did the disciples, He will transform your life forever!!

O, what a Savior.

Dr. Dan


What a great day Easter Sunday was. It began with a Sunrise Service where over 100 people gathered to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Though cloudy, we witnessed a skyline with a reddish glow from a sun whose early morning rays pierced clouds that sought to hide its radiance. Like on that first Easter morning, the clouds of sin, the devil and death could not keep Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness, from piercing the darkness of this world with His glorious Light of redemption and reconciliation. As the cool gentle breeze brushed the cheeks of those gathered it reminded us of His ever abiding presence amongst us.  Liresurrection2fting our voices in praise that Christ arose from the dead, the birds, as well,  joyfully sang of His triumph over the grave. As we gathered we could still hear the  proclamation of the angels on first Easter morning echoing in the air, “He is not here, He is risen.”   Yes, “this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, [being raised from the dead] sat down at the right hand of God” (Hebrews 10:12). That Christ arose from the dead is truly a wonderful truth worth lifting our voices in praise.

That Christ arose from the dead is a historical fact. Evidence from eyewitnesses of the Christ-event and even from writings other than the Bible by first century writers verifies the historicity of His resurrection. The cross and resurrection of Christ is the central point of eternity, history and the Christian faith. While Christians can celebrate the historical reality of Christ’s resurrection, what is the practicality of His resurrection? How does the resurrection impact our daily lives?

For the believer the practicality of the resurrection is that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is available to us each and every day of our lives. Paul writes about this amazing truth, “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you” (Romans 8:11). Did you get that, the same power that raised Christ’s lifeless body from the dead dwells with us and in us; such power is available to us in our daily lives. WOW!!

If the resurrection power of Christ dwells with us and in us why should we think we can’t face and get through the obstacles, difficulties and mountains that we confront in life? Yes, we place our faith in a historical event, but much more, His living presence is accessible for the practicality of daily living. It matters not what the trial, the testing, or the temptation the resurrection power of Christ is there to strengthen us. Paul, as he faced his own obstacles, writes, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). Writing from a prison cell he knew the practicality of Christ’s resurrection power to help him in his situation.

The believer has access to “the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which [God] wrought (exerted, accomplished , brought to decisive finality) in Christ, when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand…” (Eph. 1:19-20). This verse tells us that the power we have available to us was put to the ultimate test when Christ was raised from the dead. If such power was victorious in the raising of Christ from the cold dark tomb, cannot “the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe” help us in the adverse circumstances of our lives. Can you think of a situation that His power is not able to give us victory?

P.T. Forsyth eloquently writes, “From the New Testament point of view the seat of chief power and authority in the universe is the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ…For Paul the omnipotence of God was chiefly shown in raising Christ from the dead… [the] act wherein was exerted the whole power of God for the world – the resurrection of Christ.” Forsyth goes on to say the center point of the Christian’s faith must be in the two-fold event of the cross and resurrection and we must not lack faith in “the greatest exertion of omnipotence ever known – the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We only [live] by the power of his resurrection.”

Our Christian faith rests upon Christ’s resurrection and His living presence in our midst. Yet are you and I living daily by the power of His of resurrection? Do we desire to know the power of His resurrection working in our lives? The practicality of the resurrection is that its power is sufficient to empower us in all of life’s storms and struggles. The supreme exhibition of the power of God is found in Christ’s resurrection, but are we relying upon such awesome power each day? While we gather every Easter Sunday to celebrate His resurrection, it is an event we can celebrate every day of the week. We can celebrate knowing His presence and power penetrates and invades every area of our lives.


Dr. Dan


Angels wept in silence as they watched from on High,
as Jesus who left His throne in Glory prepared to die.
The earth quaked with fear as its Creator was nailed upon a cross of shame,
and the sun refused to shine its light upon those who jeered and mocked His holy name.
As sinless blood dripped to the ground that had once coursed through His veins,
the bitter taste of humanity’s sin filled His soul with anguish and pain.
A crown of thorns rested upon his royal brow as He hung suspended between heaven and earth,
the crowd taunting His claims of Kingly worth.
Having willingly fulfilled on our behalf heaven’s perfect and righteous demands,
He bowed His head and committed His spirit into the Father’s hands.
Was it right that One who had incarnated Love should die in such disgrace?
Yet the cross was in God’s divine plan to provide salvation for the human race.
Taken down from the splintered tree His body was laid in a garden tomb,
the beautiful budding flowers nearby hid by the dark clouds of sadness and gloom.
But the fog of despair quickly vanished before the rising Son of the first Easter morn –
His resurrection signaling a new Day had been born.PraiseHimSea.lg_
The birds burst forth in praise and angelic song,
Chirping in unison, “He is not here, He is gone.
Rising in power He ever lives bestowing forgiveness upon those who His pardon seek,
And in grace imparts strength to the weary and weak.
By His eternal Spirit with the lonely He does abide,
Promising to forever be our Friend and constant Guide.
When the hard winds of trials seek to knock us down and do us in,
Our risen Savior is there to pick us back up and set us upon our feet again.
An when at journeys’ end death grips us with its cold sullen hand,
He who robbed the Destroyer of his sting will usher us unto an eternal Land.
Then with angels who once wept in silence we will join in triumphant song…
“Hallelujah to the resurrected Savior and unto Him all praise belongs!”

Daniel Merritt